January 17, 2008

Enough Already!

Ok, maybe not! Here's the hat made from Manos for the shop.

I may have even ordered some more from Blue Moon to make more. I decided my amazing ski TA's need a little gift for their awesomeness... what better gift than a warm ski hat. Really, I ask you, what? Ok, maybe stew. I digress.
I know it's getting disgusting, this, um, habit. There, I've said it. I'm a habitual unoriginal hat knitter. Oh, that makes it sound even worse!!
Nevermind. Look at other knitting. This will make me feel better.
I did tell you to stay tuned for my mom's mad skillz? BEHOLD.

It's no wonder I'm a crazy sock knitter (well, not lately) Later I'll have to show off the vintage patterns where there babies came from.
No progress on Winterberries, but this is better lighting, so you can see the color. And if you click on it, you should be able to see stitch definition and every groove in my thumb nail.

Finally here's what needs to get off my needles and out of my sight! I forgot that I loath knitting scarves, no matter how interesting or beautiful. I think this one is both, but I'm still sick of it!

January 9, 2008

Another Unoriginal Hat

Look! One for me. It's a bit tight, but still cute!

I am going to knit another out of Manos Del Uruguay. It will either be a sample for the shop or I'll teach a class. A cable class, really. The owners had the idea and thought a cable class taught by a "young person" would be fun. I agree :)

I made stew today in my new crock pot. LOVE IT. I love stew and now I can make it while I'm working. What could be better? You're right, nothing!
Oh, no.
There is 1 thing: eating stew while drinking Boones Farm, knitting, and watching girly movies with my hermit!